Simplicity 8172 is kimono jacket with a full flounce. This jacket can be made in an evening. Our sample is View D and our Fashion Duo includes the Batik Rayon to create View D or C. The only difference between View D and View C is the added contrasting sleeve trim.
We made two versions of this cute Kimono Jacket - the version on the left is made with our border batik - Durum Dreams in the shade of Night Shadow. We love how you can make this jacket with one fabric. The jacket on the right is made with two coordinating Batik Rayon fabrics in the shade of Twilight Blue.
The front facing is finished with a simple purchased or self-made 1/2" single fold bias. There is sufficient yardage to make your own matching bias binding. So... you sew/serge the shoulder seams, side seams, attach the flounce, finish the facing with the bias strips and hem the flounce and sleeve openings.
FASHION DUO CONTENTS: Simplicity 8172 pattern and yardage to fit your body size. Select your size and fabric from the available drop down menus. The touch point on this pattern that matters is your bust and waist. The hip measurement does not matter. The pattern is actually one size larger than your true body measurement.
REMEMBER - you can select two fabrics you wish to make your own version of the Kimono Jacket. Email us - and we will make a custom kit for you. Look for this option in the drop down menu when placing your order.
All Sizes: Jacket - Durum Dreams Border Batik (left sample) Yardage Pattern
All Sizes: 2 Batiks for Kimono and Flounce Pattern
Sewing Technique: sewing a straight seam; attaching a curved flounce requiring a bit of ease and patience; attach a front edge facing; sleeve/garment hem.
Recommended Fabric: 45" Wide Batik Rayon or 72" Batik Cotton Jersey Knit (2-way stretch)
Skill Level: Confident Beginner. { truly }
Traditional Sewing Machine/Serger: Either. Garment sewing is faster with a serger, but it's not required to sew this simple tee shirt.
The pattern is nonrefundable.
Click to purchase the Simplicity 8172 Pattern Only
Click to jump to our 45" Batik Rayon Collection
BATIK COTTON JERSEY KNIT Option: Are you a Jersey Knit lover? Click to jump to our Jersey Knit Fashion Duo instead.